Freckles On Clint
Reg No. RA020472
January 10, 2005


                                                                           CH Tiptop’s Chairman Of The Board
            Blokoke’s Egther
                                                                           CH Cowing Jodi’s Image V Blakoke
 Freckles On Clint
                                                                           CH Kimberlite’s Captain Crunch CD
            Blakoke’s Freya
                                                                           CH Blakoke’s Mischiefmaker V Bev’s (USA)


Bernergarde # 56605


Freckles has raised two litters of pups and now helps out Harley with her pups keeping them in line.  She is now 8 years old and enjoys taking it easy and has her favorite spot on the kitchen floor on her blanket.  Her family roll is now being the senior dog and keeping all the others under her watchful eye.